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Hello, my name is Jesko Veenema ['jɛs.ko 'fe:.nə.ma]. Welcome here at my web presence.

Here I publish texts in English and German, including award-winning philosophical essays.

I was born in 2005 in Bonn where I have done my Abitur this year. Starting in the upcoming winter semester, I will study philosophy and sociology at the University of Münster.

Long-term goal: becoming a philosopher.

Jesko Veenema

Curriculum vitae


School education

28.06.2024                             General qualification for university entrance (Abitur) with grade 1,0; Latin proficiency certificate

11.02.2019 - 28.06.2024        Nicolaus-Cusanus-Gymnasium Bonn (MINT branch), Bonn-Bad Godesberg

01.08.2016 - 08.02.2019        Bonns Fünfte Comprehensive School, Bonn-Kessenich

01.08.2011 - 31.07.2016        Montessori primary school, Bonn-Dottendorf



16 - 19.05.2024                      International Philosophy Olympiad (IPO) in Helsinki (Finland) as German representative through success in the federal contest for philosophical essays (see below)

20. - 23.02.2024                     Philosophical Winter Academy about “Philosophy and Racism” in the Franz-Hitze-Haus in Münster (see below federal contest for philosophical essays)

20.07. - 05.08.2023                Deutsche SchülerAkademie (German Pupils Academy) 2023 (organised by Bildung & Begabung), academy Waldenburg (in the European Gymnasium Waldenburg), Course 2.6 „Philosophie – Kunst oder Wissenschaft?“ (“Philosophy – art or science?”)

11 - 14.05.2023                      International Philosophy Olympiad (IPO) in Olympia (Greece) as German representative through success in the federal contest for philosophical essays (see below)

07 - 10.02.2023                      Philosophical Winter Academy on the question "How rich can one be?" in the Franz-Hitze-Haus in Münster (see below federal contest for philosophical essays)

Winter semester 2021/22      Pupil studies in philosophy at the University of Bonn as part of the gifted support project "FFF – Fördern, Fordern, Forschen": Lecture "Kulturphilosophie" and seminar "Nietzsche's 'Zur Genealogie der Moral'"

02 - 12 August 2021               Course "Computational Linguistics" at the JuniorAkademie of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia

Summer semester 2021         Guest student at the University of Bonn: Seminar "Philosophy of Cosmology" and tutorial "Argumentation Theory", both in the subject Philosophy

Winter semester 2020/21      Guest auditor at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Bonn, participation in the lecture series

12 - 16.10.2020                      "LernFerien NRW - Promoting Talent" 2020 on the topic of prosperity in Bochum


Awards and achievements

May 2024                               Gold Medal for the essay “Passing Through the Kingdom of Darkness” at the XXXII International Philosophy Olympiad (IPO) in Finland, awarded by the Steering Board and the Organizing Committee, signed by Ilmari Hirvonen, President of the National Organizing Committee (NOC), and Prof. Dr. Luca Maria Scarantino, President of the International Federation of Philosophical Societies (FISP)

February 2024                        Among the laureates of the pupil competition PhilosophieArena, arranged by the Deutsches Netzwerk für Wirtschaftsethik (German Network for Economic Ethics) with the Fachverband Philosophie e. V., for a work on the question “Do humans need work?”

                                               1st place at the federal and state for philosophical essays (see above philosophical winter academy) for “Ideas for an Ethic of Taxation”

May 2023                               Bronze Medal for the essay "Body Philosophy" at the XXXI International Philosophy Olympiad (IPO) in Greece, awarded by the Steering Board and the Organizing Committee, signed by Prof. Dr. Michael Paroussis, President of the National Organizing Committee (NOC), and Prof. Dr. Luca Maria Scarantino, President of the International Federation of Philosophical Societies (FISP)

February 2023                        2nd place at the federal and state contest for philosophical essays (see above philosophical winter academy) for “Thoughts on Time’s Arrow and the Apocalypse”

2022                                       Successful participation in the 18th State German Essay Competition


Last update: 13. Juli 2024

Jesko & Slavoj