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I make some of my texts available here. They are mostly philosophical works. Often there is an audio to listen to instead of reading.


The Four Tragedies in 'The Picture of Dorian Gray': An essay from June 2024 about the four main characters of Oscar Wilde's novel.

Passing Through the Kingdom of Darkness: I wrote this essay on 17.05.2024 at the XXXII International Philosophy Olympiad (IPO) in Helsinki, Finland. I was awarded with a Gold Medal for it there. The essay deals with truth and error, power of intellect and unconsciousness and the metaphors of light and darkness. The text was also uploaded on the IPO 2024 website as PDF.

Ideas for an Ethic of Taxation: I wrote this essay on 21.02.2024 in the federal German decision of the competition Philosophical Essay in four hours in English. I reached the first place for it. The present version is completely unedited. I wrote it down just like this.


Body Philosophy: I wrote this essay on 12.05.2023 at the XXXI International Philosophy Olympiad (IPO) in Olympia, Greece. I was awarded with a Bronze Medal for it there. It deals with the body as an object of philosophy. The text was also uploaded on the IPO 2023 website as PDF. This is the unedited version which I typed for the IPO within 4 hours.

The AI and the Poet: A dialogue in Shakespearian sonnets betwixt the AI ChatGPT and myself, written in March 2023.

Thoughts on Time's Arrow and the Apocalypse: I wrote this essay on 08.02.2023 in the federal German decision of the competition Philosophical Essay in four hours in English. I reached the second place for it. The present version is completely unedited. I wrote it down just like this.

Could God Exist? Conflicting Attributes of God: I wrote this philosophical investigation in February 2023. It is an attempt to prove a priori that God cannot possibly exist.

Crespis Buecherregal